7 accused held in cow carcasses case
   Date :23-Jun-2024

 cow carcasses case  
Our Correspondent
Cow smugglers operating in Madhya Pradesh are getting funding from Hyderabad and Nagpur. Cow smugglers caught in Seoni have revealed this during police interrogation. After 54 cow carcasses were found in Seoni in the last two days, police detained 7 accused in this case. During interrogation, it was found that they were in contact with three smugglers from Nagpur. They had bought the cows from the cattle market. They also told that they had to take the cattle to Nagpur and then they would take them to Hyderabad. The police administration also claims that elements that spoil communal harmony are involved in this. When the entire matter was investigated, it was found that Seoni in MP is a transit point for cow smuggling. In the last six months, the police have taken more than 55 actions here. How cows are being smuggled from Seoni and the surrounding districts. On June 19, some people went to the Wainganga river flowing near Pindarai village.
They saw the carcasses of cattle on the river bank. They informed Dhanora and Sunwara police about this. Police reached the spot and recovered 26 bodies from here. After this, 28 bodies of cows were found in the forest of Kakartala in Dhuma police station area on Thursday. When the postmortem of these cows was done, it was found that the throats of all were slit between 17 and 18 June. The police have detained 7 people in this case. At the same time, three people from Nagpur have been identified. Right now only their names have come to the fore. The people detained include Shadab, Wahid, Irfan, Ramdas Uike, Santosh. Ramdas and Santosh have already gone to jail for cattle smuggling. Wahid is a resident of Gwari village in Dhanora police station area. Shadab is his relative. One case each under the Animal Cruelty Act has been registered against both of them.
According to Seoni SP, Rakesh Singh, two of the dead cows had tags in their ears. These tags are put during the purchase and sale of cattle in the animal market. The accused had also made the tags disappear by cutting the ears of most of the cows. Two tags were left. With the help of this tag, the police reached the accused. According to the SP, the names of three smugglers from Nagpur have come up during interrogation of the accused taken into custody. These smugglers further send these cattle to Hyderabad. According to SP Singh, the mobile numbers of the three have not been found yet. The numbers are being traced. This will reveal who they were talking to in Hyderabad. The smugglers taken into custody were funded by smugglers from Nagpur and Hyderabad.