Panini was a great grammarian of India dating
back to the sixth century BC. His world famous treatise on grammar and linguistics named Ashtadhyayi contains about four thousands
Sutras or aphorisms.These
Sutras are sets of rules for
describing and creating
words. They function like linguistic algorithms.
Panini is considered a great
descriptive linguist and the
father of linguistics also. He
wrote a book of grammar
which is generative in nature
with algebraic rules. He composed these aphorisms for the
Sanskrit language, but his
applications are universal in
nature. Brevity is the core
attribute of Panini.
Panini devised a very
unique system which is called
Pratyahara meaning short
words. These Short Words
were designed to create technical words for the abbreviation purpose. These Short
Words or Pratyaharas are the
foundation stone of algorithmic formulas created by
Panini. These Short Words are
derived from the fourteen
Maheshwara Sutras which
contain all the vowels and
consonants of Sanskrit language arranged in a very scientific manner. We find a total
of forty one Pratyaharas
derived from fourteen
Maheshwara Sutras. For example AN is a Pratyahara. It contains three letters A E U.
Similarly, AT Pratyahara contains A E U R Lr AE O AI AU H
Y W R. Thus AT Pratyahara
indicates thirteen letters.
Hence through the use of
Pratyaharas Panini devised the
maximum possible brevity in
the language and its creation.
The Pratyahara AL contains
more than forty letters.In
order to achieve this goal
Panini hit upon another idea
of Anubandha. Anubandhas are
the letters which are placed at
the beginning, middle or end
of Dhatus - verb root or
Pratyaya - prefix.At the time of
application these Anubandhas
are omitted from the verbs
and prefixes. This method
enables to create many algorithmic formulas which can
be used on many verbs and
prefixes. In this way Panini
was able to cover very vast
segments of grammar and
language in a very compact
Panini has used the same
algorithmic methods to create
verbs, nouns , adjectives,
adverbs , etc. The end numbers of words may be used by
applying these methods of
Panini. All the dimensions of
language have been touched
by Panini in his path breaking
The premier universities of
the world like Oxford,
Cambridge, Edinburgh ,
Brown, etc, offer courses on
Sanskrit including Paninian
research and studies.
German universities have designated very sophisticated
courses on linguistics where
Panini is quoted and
Many rules and meta rules
created by Panini are still
being researched. The study of
Indo- European languages is
not possible without the comparative study of Sanskrit and
especially Panini. Sometime
back, Rishi Rajput, a Sanskrit
scholar of Indian origin at
Cambridge university was in
the news for decoding a complex formula of Panini. The
name of his thesis is- In
Panini, we trust: Discovering
Algorithm for Rule Conflict
Resolution in the Ashtadhyayi.
Even today the work of Panini
has been a great subject of
research and curiosity. The
world famous linguist
Leonard Bloomfield says that
the descriptive grammar of
Sanskrit, which Panini
brought to its perfection, is
one of the greatest monuments of human intelligence
and an indispensable model
for the description of languages.
(The writer is Former DG
Police & CG, Homeguards,