Date :26-Jun-2024

BEYOND even an iota of doubt, the Opposition is continuing to build a deliberate, fake narrative about how Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and his Government and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are tampering with the Constitution and destroying democracy in the country. Right on the first day of the 18th Lok Sabha, the Opposition started harping upon its old election-time narrative that the Prime Minister was killing the Constitution and democracy. This is totally reprehensible and calls for all the people of the country to teach the Opposition right lessons in whatever manner. For, what the Opposition is doing is actually killing the very spirit of democracy -- of course in the name of democracy. The whole nation knows that the Opposition narrative is absolutely fake and deliberately false. Yet, Opposition Members of Parliament flaunted copies of the Constitution outside as well as inside the House and tried to insult the Prime Minister as he stood up to take oath. This action -- particularly from the party like Congress whose leaders have the legacy of a complete suspension of the Constitution during the Emergency of 1975 -- which was slapped on the nation by none other than the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi.
The Congress party and its allies wish to sweep that dark truth under the carpet and claim as saviours of democracy and protectors of the Constitution. There can be nothing more shocking than this political brazenness -- as if the country’s entire population is full of bloody fools (who could take any nonsense). True, this falsehood might have won for the Opposition some seats more than their earlier projections. Yet, in the most brazen manner, the Congress and other parties in the Opposition want to forget that despite all their falsehood, the BJP has been able to garner as many as 241 seats, thus emerging as the single largest party in the Lok Sabha. Had the Prime Minister been the killer of the Constitution and democracy, the people would never have given him such a verdict. But the Opposition wants to forget all this -- and still wants to push a fake narrative again. Hence the need to remind the Opposition at this point of some of the sins it committed in the past killing democracy, Constitution and human rights. For example, in 1975, the Congress party sent the Constitution out of the window and slapped Emergency on the country. In 1984, goon-gangs of the Congress party indulged in a wanton massacre of Sikhs in New Delhi following the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. In 1990, the Congress party allowed a forced exodus of Hindus from Kashmir at the hands of goons. In those moments, the Constitution was safe in the hands of the Congress party.
In those grim moments, the Constitution was intact in letter and spirit. But when nothing of that kind is happening in the country, the Constitution is on the verge of being killed! and democracy is getting damaged beyond repair. Bah! Obviously, the Opposition appears to have decided to indulge in cantankerous and obstructionist politics and not allow the Government to function. And for this ugly decision, the Opposition needs to be taught a strong lesson -- one, through popular vote,; and two, through popular ire. The conduct of the Opposition on the first day of the new Lok Sabha was nothing but fully reprehensible. It is a matter of shame for the Opposition leadership that it does not want the process of parliamentary democracy flowing smoothly. The Opposition lost the last 10 years in such obstructionism -- that needs to be countered by right forces. The Opposition must feel qualms of conscience for all this. The grief is that they never realise their follies.