Date :04-Jun-2024

PRIME Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s ‘sadhana’ at the Swami Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanniyakumari has come as a blessing to the nation -- in the sense, he has come up with a renewed ‘sankalp’ -- determined goal -- to build the strength of the Indian nation in the Amrit Kaal of Independence. When such determination is blessed by the Divine, it assumes a limitless capability to achieve the goal beyond petty boundaries. The very fact that the Prime Minister has penned a very deeply spiritual message to the nation, should make us proud that India is being led by such a personage. The importance of the meditative sojourn at the Rock Memorial and the article connecting Mr. Modi to the people is that those have come in the change-over moment from his second term to the third one as Prime Minister. At this critical point, we will refrain from talking highly about Mr. Narendra Modi’s achievement of securing a consecutive third term for himself, but concentrate more on the spiritual message that emerged from Kanniyakumari. And the message is both, simple yet very powerful. For, it has stemmed from the inner sanctum of the Prime Minister’s soul after a profound engagement of himself with the Divine. Such moments come only rarely and to persons with a great capacity to achieve a complete detachment from the material and communion with the inner self -- Antaratma -- the Divine. It is from the inner dialogue the Prime Minister got engaged in that the ‘Sankalp’ of building India -- Bharat -- to great heights has emerged.
Yes, Mr. Narendra Modi did not fail to offer a list of some truly great achievements of the country under his leadership -- though in an indirect manner. But the thrust of this thinking is that the people have to work towards the fulfillment of national goals that will propel India to the top of the global league of great nations. But Mr. Modi does not talk only of normal working. He talks of working with an abiding sense of great pride in the metaphor of India. But there is a pre-condition that the Prime Minister sets -- of taking quick steps in the desired direction. In other words, he does not want to waste the country’s precious time and resources in dilly-dallying and achieve nothing in the end. He wants the whole nation to get galvanised in that cause. Hence his countless meetings without wasting time after he landed in the capital after the Kanniyakumari sojourn. Hence his recall of the 100-day agenda for the Government to start working on the moment the third term of his prime ministership. Obviously, the man means business -- hard business where laxity is not to be entertained.
 To those who have vested interests and narrow personalised agendas may get wary of such a tough action-mode, all right. But for the common people of the country, such an approach to fulfilling the national goals will bring in a feeling of deep satisfaction. For, that is what everybody expects to happen -- a quick and no-nonsense action in the cause of the nation. The 100-day agenda is ready -- as a forerunner of what will follow in the ensuing five years. The political will is also intense. And finally, the people, too, are willing to go along full distance -- no matter a few political smart-alecs who harbour another, sly agenda to disturb the nation. It is time to remind all such elements that their days are numbered -- going by the Prime Minister’s assertions during his many speeches of the electoral campaign. There should be no doubt that the Prime Minister’s ‘Sankalp’ will bring to the country a new energy, a new surge of positive action, and a belief in the spiritual core of the India that is Bharat. No doubt, India is in for a big leap into a bright future.