Swimming is best exercise, says Dr Duble

05 Jun 2024 07:48:24

Swimming is best exercise 
THE National Institute of Swimming, Dolphin Swimming Club, and JD Sports Foundation recently organised a workshop on ‘Sports Nutrition for Swimmers’ at the newly-constructed National Institute of Swimming’s pool at Manewada-Besa Road. The workshop saw a large attendance from summer swimming camp trainees, swimmers and their parents.
Renowned physiotherapist sports and lifestyle nutritionist Dr Priyanka Panchal Agarwal delivered a valuable presentation providing essential tips for fitness and health. She advised swimmers and their parents on best foods to include in their diet plans and which foods to avoid, along with other sports-related nutritional guidelines. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the fitness levels of students and their parents, especially those working, are decreasing. This has led to an increase in various illnesses, said former Joint Director Sports Dept, Government of Maharashtra Dr Jaiprakash Duble.
He added that according to a WHO report, India is becoming diabetes capital of the world, which is extremely unfortunate. To combat this, everyone must make changes to their lifestyle, prioritise exercise and swimming is a exercise for keeping oneself fit. The workshop was graced by city’s renowned sports physiotherapist Dr Kevin Agarwal, Vice-President of the Maharashtra State Boxing Association Arun Bute and Sushil Durugkar of the Dolphin Swimming Club. The workshop was conducted by Prajakta Duble while workshop’s chief co-ordinator and international swimmer Jayant Duble proposed a vote of thanks.
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