GIS survey of city roads begins in rural areas for Master Plan 2047

08 Jun 2024 08:41:56

GIS survey of city roads 
By Ankita Garg
Catching a pace towards Bhopal Master Plan 2047 (geographical information system ) GIS survey of city roads has begun in rural areas. All these areas coming under the plan are being surveyed for the second time. For urban areas, data has been recovered from municipal corporation while for rural areas, Town and Country Planning (T&CP) team is surveying along with the engineering students. Earlier, draft prepared for Master Plan 2031, was presented in May 2020, and survey in year 2018. Experts said that after year 2018 there were no survey and during this period geographical structure of city has been changed. Concerned over the changes made on ground level, survey work is being done for the second time to decide the layout of roads and land use can be fixed without any dispute.
Officials of T&CP said that for Master Plan 2047, population estimation will be changed and then residential, commercial and other provision will be made. They said that in the plan, focus will be given towards vertical development instead of horizontal. According to reports, effort is being made to present the Bhopal Master Plan 2047 by December 2024, considering the over 3,000 objections that had been received against draft of previous master plan. Sources said that Government has planned to arrange hearing session for the old 3,005 objections received against the draft of previous master plan. One of major objections, farmers were aggrieved over proposal of including agriculture land in catchment area and few other points.
The plan 2047 will be including new limitations of Bhopal border as its working area will be extending. Last Master Plan for Bhopal was released way back in the year 1995 and that was expired in year 2005. Since then, no master plan can be executed yet. However, two or three efforts were made in the middle to make a new master plan but final decision could not be taken. Mohammed Ismail Khan, Urban and Research Development, said, “In the year 2021, claims and objections were invited for the master plan and various amendment were proposed. There were objections related to Upper Lake catchment area, tiger movement area, road stretching, etc but final draft could not be released”.
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