90 villagers of Parsahi avail free medical services
    Date :01-Jul-2024

90 villagers of Parsahi
Staff Reporter
 The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Department of SAIL- Bhilai Steel Plant has organised a one-day free Health Camp, at village Parsahi recently. 90 villagers including 36 men, 51 women, and 3 children from Parsahi, availed free health services at day-long Health Camp. Free medicines were distributed in the camp.
The Medical Team from CSR department, comprising, Dr Mohanlal, Medical Consultant, Rekha Dev, Nursing Staff, for Blood-Sugar and BP examination, Khilawan Kumbhkar, Pharmacist, and Shambhu Dayal, for registration, volunteered services for the Medical Camp at Parsahi village. Budhe Lal from the CSR department was also present during the Health Camp.