Rs 5,97,46,370 Highest revenue Panna Reserve earned in first half of 2024

10 Jul 2024 11:20:30

Panna Tiger Reserve
By Ankita Garg :
Though core zone of Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) is closed for tourists during monsoon, visitors are thronging towards the buffer zone under ‘Buffer Me Safar Scheme’. The park officials said that once the park will be reopened for tourist in October, boating facilities will be provided. In this season, Panna remained centre of attraction among the tourists because of tiger sighting. In core area, there were 2,18,303 tourists, including 2,06,647 Indian and 11,656 foreigners. At the same time, buffer zone received 15,740 tourists, including 14,858 Indian and 882 foreigners. This season, PTR received revenue of Rs 5,97,46,370.
The park has made record in itself for having higher number of tourists and revenue generation. Currently, PTR has 90 tigers, including 64 adult and semi-adult. Experts said that population of stripped cat is rising in Panna at faster pace which is also putting forest officials on toe to take care of suspected territorial fight and man-animal conflict. The reserve officials said that effort is being made to increase the grassland and herbivore to avoid fight among the cats. Officials said that long term plan on safe corridor is also being made to provide safer commutation to the cats from one location to another.
The Reserve Director, Anjana Tirki said, “Core zone of PTR is closed for tourist during monsoon but buffer is open for all. Dense population of tiger is there in buffer also. Core area will be reopening in October.” 60 cheetals to shift from buffer zone to Pench Tiger Reserve: In order to provide sufficient food to the cat species and keep them engaged in their area, Pench Tiger Reserve has started working on a project. In this project, officials have decided to shift a group of cheetal from core zone to buffer so that tigers do not sneak out of periphery. In first phase, around 60 cheetal (spotted cat) will captured from Gumatara and Karmajhiri range for further shifting in Buffer zone. Officials said that in many cases, tiger sneak out of periphery in search of food and the man-animal conflict cases rise.
Surplus cheetahs may shift from Kuno to Gandhi Sagar: In a major decision for the Cheetah Project, authorities have decided to shift surplus cheetahs from Kuno National Park to Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary after monsoon. Kuno National Park has 26 cheetahs, including 13 cubs, and they require space for further release into wild. Experts said that carrying capacity of Kuno National Park if maximum 21 adult cheetahs. At the same time, presence of leopard is also bothering the project. Sources said that Cheetah Steering Committee has suggested that larger cats can dominate the space after being released into wild and eventually impact their predation and breeding. Uttam Sharma, Field Director of Kuno, said, “I have not received such order to shift the cheetahs but authorities have discussed the space and food issues. No doubt, the park has limited capacity.”
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