The Hitavada Twinkle Cluband Gadget Academy to conduct‘Robotics and Science’ workshop

14 Jul 2024 10:38:39

■ Business Reporter :
THE Hitavada Twinkle Club and Gadget Academy have organised  “Robotics and S c i e n c e S u n d a y A c t i v i t y Workshop” to stimulate the hands and brains of students during w e e k e n d s . R e c e n t l y , R o b o t i c s , Science and Solar summer camps have been organised during the vacation which got a very good response. Now advanced workshops have been organised for the duration of 10 Sundays, says a press release. Organisers Swetali and Rahul Vaidya, both Directors of Gadget Academy said that therewill be three modules.
The workshop will start fromJuly 21 and then it will be continued on firstand third Sunday from July to December fortotal 10Sundays at Dharampeth Public school, N o r t h A m b a z a r I Road, near Shankar Nagar Metro station. Timing for Science workshop is 9am to 11am and for Robotics it will befrom 11 am to 1pm. Every participant will alsoget a participant certificate. For further details contact Gadget(M. 7030202211).
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