‘Sales is a scientific art’

17 Jul 2024 12:13:01

alok dhotekar
Business Reporter :
TERMING sales as a ‘scientific art’, Alok Dhotekar, Knowledge Resource at The Right Angle and former AVP Sales at Dinshaw, recently said that sales work on the science of understanding consumers’ minds Hewas addressing theweeklysession organised by the Vidarbha M a nagement Association (VMA) held at Chitanvis Centre,CivilLines, Nagpur. The topic of his lecture was ‘Reading Customers’ Minds. Dhotekar emphasized that sales people should think strategically rather than emotionallywhileselling theirproducts.Hehighlighted theimportance of studying consumer behavior to understand how customers buy and why they don’t. Dhotekar urged sellers to bepreparedwithanswers toquestions such as:Whywill thecustomer buy?When will the customer buy?
How will the customer buy? And isthereanyreason fornot buying? “Byunderstanding thecustomer’s mind, salespeople canturn the buyingprocess into a positive shoppingexperience,” hesaid. Dhotekar alsoguided attendeeson the 8/73 law of sales, the difference betweenconsumer and customer, understanding the conscious, preconscious, and unconsciousmind of customers, andhandlingcustomerobjections. The session was moderatedby Mahendra Girdhar, withTarun Katiyar serving as thesession in-charge.
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