State Board schools re-open across city

02 Jul 2024 08:10:41

State Board schools 
Staff Reporter
School bells chimed again as children dressed up in crisp new uniforms were given rousing welcome on first day of reopening of institutions affiliated to Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in city on Monday. Classes of primary to middle section started full with vigour as children are all set for the new academic session. The CBSE affiliated schools for higher section and primary and middle sections started in the month of June itself while those of State Board start on first Monday of July. As part of Praveshutsav, the first day is celebrated in grand manner as per instructions from State Government.
Teachers and staff did not leave any stone unturned to ensure first day of school for children was memorable. Students were grinning ear-to-ear as teachers welcomed each one of them with a rose flower. The festive atmosphere brightened up the day for the children as the day was fun filled with no tension of studies that would follow in days to come. For students it was back to studies after nearly two months of holiday. The new class, new atmosphere, new friends, new teachers along with new belongings like bags and water bags was something they had been looking forward to with excitement. In all the day started on a bright note and hopefully would help in easing off the burden of studies for the children who are looking forwards to playful days ahead.
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