Guru, a beacon

21 Jul 2024 10:18:03

Guru-Shishya parampara
By Pallavi Borkar-Patil :
Let no man in the world live in delusion,
Without a Guru,
none can cross over to the other shore!
This wisdom shared by Guru Nanak Devji truly encapsulates the essence of a purposeful life. Guiding lights, as they are, a Guru, a teacher or a mentor, shows the path to salvation to his/her disciples. But can only a single Guru help one to cross over to the other shore? What about the other Gurus who keep piloting one through their highs and lows of life? Sometimes, a simple advice from an individual can influence one’s decisions and choices, thus helping one sail through. Do we ever think of thanking and celebrating these gurus? Most certainly, No. Do we even recognise who these guiding lights are? The first Gurus are the parents, who mould a child’s character. They set the foundation for their children. However, it’s the grandparents who foster a child’s spiritual growth. Sisters or brothers are the first friends and foes of an individual who teach how to fight and to reconcile.
Then comes school/college teachers who, for most, shape the way children envision their dreams. Teenage demands utmost attention and empathy and teachers certainly help them navigate through this phase. Then, of course, is a teacher, the life partner, who not only guides one but sails along ensuring one reaches the shore. A partner takes one on a roller coaster emotional ride. A few endure this ride, while others simply quit. With arrival of a progeny, life takes a 360 degree turn and yesterday’s children become today’s parents. The new parents now realise that as much they had learnt from their own parents, parents too, learn from children. Parents now see life with a new perspective and perceive it through the eyes of their children. However, the learning process doesn’t stop here.
One keeps meeting many guiding lights in a lifetime. A dejected person may find a renewed outlook towards life with one advice. Do you think Bill Gates would have been Bill Gates had he not had those gurus in his life, or Mukesh Ambani, or Ratan Tata, for that matter. They all had their beacons of light supporting and helping them in their testing times. They can be people, a book, a place or even a pet.
Anything that inspires and motivates to keep working hard is your teacher. The visually impaired protagonist in the recently released movie ‘Srikanth’, compassionately underscores the significance of all the teachers in his life. He says, “Srikanth Bolla is not a significant man, please do not get inspired by my story, if you want to be something in your life, then be their Ravi, Devika or Swathi. Who knows how many Srikanth Bollas you will create.” Ravi, Devika and Swathi held him during his lows and motivated him to keep fighting. So, on this ‘Gurupournima’, let’s celebrate these beacons of light who empower, encourage and enlighten an individual without expectation of credit and salutation. n
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