My Guru

22 Jul 2024 11:23:49

My Guru
Om Shri Guru,
To you, I bow again and again. You will only open my eyes, My heart to thee, For the wisdom to arise in me. The fool in me Lived in ignorance, But not any more now I am ready to face the world Life’s strides to allow. I pray for your blessings, To quieten the noises, To delve deep within, As the expectation rises. Under your shelter, Consciousness evolves, Ego shattered and may forever fall. With your wisdom, darkness turns to light, Guiding me steadfastly, towards what’s right. May I embody The essence of your teachings In actions and life’s twists Today, I am at your feet, May you dispel the darkness, And guide me always.
By Avani Sapre
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