PRIME Minister Narendra Modi on
Saturday proposed a comprehensive and
human-centric “Global Development
Compact” for the Global South and said
it will focus on trade, sustainable growth,
technology sharing and concessional
financing of projects under an overall
framework of the India growth story.
The needy countries will not be burdened with debt in the name of development finance, Modi said, announcing
the new initiative at the India-hosted
third virtual Voice of the Global South
Summit. Modi said the “Global
Development Compact” will be inspired
by the development priorities set by the
countries of the Global South.
“I would like to propose a comprehensive Global Development Compact
on behalf of India. The foundation of this
compact will be based on India’s development journey and experiences of development partnerships,” he said at the closing session of the summit. “It will be
human-centric and multi-dimensional for
development and will promote multisectoral approach. It will not burden theneedycountrieswithdebt
in the name of development
finance,” Modi said.
The Prime Minister said
the compact will help in a balanced and sustainable development of the partner countries.ThePrimeMinisteralso
said the solution to various
conflicts and tensions
around the world lies in
inclusive globalgovernance.