PM bats for youngsters without political backgroundto enter politics to meet ‘Viksit Bharat’ goal
   Date :26-Aug-2024

pm modi
PRIME Minister Narendra ModionSundaysaidcollective effortswillhelpthe youthsans a political background to rise in politics and asserted that the spirit shown by such people during the freedom struggle is required again to attain the goal of ‘Viksit Bharat’. Inhis monthly Mann KiBaat radio broadcast, Modi said his IndependenceDay callforone lakh youth without any political background to join politics hasevokedwidereactionswith someyouthstatingthatdynastic politics crushes new talent. “This year from Red Fort, I haveurgedonelakhyouthwho are not from a political background to connect with the political system. This point of minehasgarneredtremendous response. We thus come to know that a large number of our youth are eagerly ready to enter politics,” Modi said. Allthey are looking foris the rightopportunityandaptguidance, he added. “I have also received letters from youth across the country on this subject. Enormous response is being received on social media as well.
People have sent me many kinds of suggestions. Some youth have written in theirletters that it is truly inconceivable for them. On account of the absence of a political legacy on part of their grandfather or parents they could not enter politics despite wanting to,” the Prime Minister said. Someyouthhavewrittenthat theypossessagoodexperience of working at the ground level and hence they can be helpful in solving people’s problems, hesaid.“Someyouthhave also written that dynastic politics crushesnewtalent.Someyouth have mentioned that such efforts will lend more strength toourdemocracy. Ithank each and everyone for sending in suggestions on the subject,” Modi said. He hoped that with collective efforts, youth who do not possessapoliticalbackground, will also be able to come forward in politics. Their experience and their fervourwillproveusefulforthe country, Modi said.
“Even during the freedom struggle,manysuchpeoplehad come forward, who did not haveanypoliticalbackground. They took the plunge for the sake of India’s freedom. Once more,werequirethesamespirit to attain the goal of Viksit Bharat,” he said. He urged the youth to positively join this campaign.
“This step of yours will be transformativeintermsofyour future and the country’s future,” Modi said. During the programme, Modialsospoketoyoungentrepreneurs,whowereIIT-Madras alumni and helming space start-upGalaxEye,astheyhighlighted their work. They praised the growing vibrant spaceecosysteminthe country. The Prime Minister said the youth of the country has benefitedalotfromvariousreforms in the space sector. On the occasion, he noted that India celebrated its first National Space Day on August 23tomarkthefirstanniversary of the successful landing of its spacecraft on the Moon.