How dare they?

29 Aug 2024 11:39:35

How dare they
AS A society we collectively agree to abide by certain rules and regulations and enforce them as a group. Laws are set by the government to establish some kind of discipline and ease the way we live. These are for the good of the people and their life. Small examples of legislations are putting on seat belts in a car, wearing helmets while driving a two wheeler, following traffic rules, smoking in public places, spitting anywhere, littering or even eve teasing. Life is beautiful if as a group we agree to follow these simple rules of the land. As responsible and accountable citizens we have to create a habit of following set rules, if not, we should be prepared to be “PUNISHED”. It’s this word punished that has to be taken seriously. As the law enforcing agencies form the rules and regulations for safe living they have to also strictly follow the punishment protocol that has to be equivalent to the size of the offence. The social commitment to a particular rule will be taken serious cognisance of only when there is FEAR of the puni s h m e n t that will follow in case the rule is broken.This is where we as a society differ from the western world. There is just no fear of the law! When there is no fear of punishment the results are devastating, whether it is as small as breaking a traffic signal to robbery to rape. Brighter side is there are many who adhere to the rules of the law and avoid breaking them. They feel responsible for their actions, the impact on others and possible negative consequences.This will always be beneficial to them and people around them.
The number of such people is large and hence the society is almost safe but there are some who behave otherwise. How dare some from the same society break well set rules of governance. Some psychologists and e x p e r t s may e x p l a i n them as individual mindset, antisocial animal instinct, negative social associations. Whatever are the justifications. Question still remains.
HOW DARE THEY? How can one dare to steal, rob, be a part of mob violence, break traffic rules or even think of molesting or raping a women when there are laws of punishments associated with each of these acts? The only answer that I can think of is there is simply no fear of being punished! NO FEAR OF THE LAW How many times have we heard someone saying when he/she breaks a law “jaanta nahi kya mai kaun hu? (don’t you know who I am?) or “usme kya hai? Sau ka patta phek de” (so what! just throw a 100 rupee note). Such arrogance and impertinence amongst some is only because there is no fear of the law (police). There could be several reasons for my law enforcing agencies being corrupt but as a law abiding, tax paying, conscious and responsible citizen, I am not really interested in knowing the reasons. That’s for the government to think and correct the errors. For me I look forward to a society where all of us can move fearlessly even in the middle of the night. If the law was strict and if the law enforcing agencies start implementing the punishment sincerely with authority and fearlessly, there is no reason why the society will indulge in acts of crime and even get this horrifying thought of molesting or rape.
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