IN AN unprecedented move, the
Center has allowed the Union
Public Service Commission (UPSC)
to utilize Aadhaar-based authentication to verify candidates’ identities voluntarily, both at the time
of registration and during several
stages of examinations and recruitment.
The Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions said, “In
pursuance of sub-clause (ii) of
clause (b) of sub-section (4) of section 4 of the Aadhaar (T argeted
Delivery of Financial and Other
Subsidies, Benefits and Services)
Act, 2016, (as amended) read with
rule 5 of the Aadhaar
Authentication for Good
Governance (Social Welfare,
Innovation, Knowledge) Rules,
2020, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions,
Department of Personnel and
Training, having been authorized
by the Central Government, hereby notifies that the Union Public
Service Commission (UPSC) is
allowed to perform Aadhaar
authentication, on voluntary basis,
for verification of identity of candidates at the time of registration
on ‘One Time Registration’ portal
and various stages of examination/recruitment test, usingYes/No
or/and e-KYC authentication facility.”
“Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC) shall adhere
to all provisions of the Act, the rules
and regulations made there under,
and directions issued by the
‘Unique Identification Authority of
India’,” the Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions
This significant move follows
after the UPSC in July canceled the
provisional candidature of Puja
Khedkar, a provisionally recommended candidate of the Civil
Services Examination-2022 and
permanently debarred her from all
future exams and selections.