It’s truly disheartening

31 Aug 2024 11:44:05

nagpur city
By Tejinder Singh Renu :
It's truly disheartening to see our beloved ground, cherished by Nagpurians for over a century, now lying in a state of disrepair, as shown by ‘The Hitavada’ lensman Satish Raut. Once a vibrant hub of activity, enjoyed by diverse groups - political, religious, and sports - it's now embroiled in legal complications, leaving everyone to suffer. In my opinion, this ground should remain open to citizens, particularly for sports and other activities, as it was previously permitted. Closing this wonderful space due to apprehensions is akin to sealing off flyovers because of occasional accidents. Instead, we should address the issues and find solutions.
I urge the Judiciary and Administration to visit the site and witness the deplorable condition of Nagpur's Heart, which is desperately in need of a revitalizing bypass treatment. A healthy heart thrives on activity; a paused heart is a dead one. Let's revive this treasure of the Nagpur community !
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