Business Reporter :
RYAN International Group of
Institutions will be organising
the 25th edition of Ryan
Minithon Road Race
in Nagpur on
September 1 at St.
Xaviers High School,
Hingna, X-21,MIDC,
at 7.15 am.
the aegis of Ryan
International Sports
Club, will be hosting a series of
Road Races throughout the
country. Ryan Minithon is one
of the biggestRoadRaceSeries
conducted in 12 cities across
India namely Nagpur,
Aurangabad, Mumbai,
Jabalpur, Jaipur, Chandigarh,
Faridabad, Navi Mumbai,
Bangalore, Surat, Raipur and
“We are happy to kick start
theseriesonce againwith great
enthusiasm right in this city of
Nagpur and we eagerly lookforward to children participating in large numbers andmaking the best of this opportunity,” says DrMadam Grace Pinto,
Managing Director,
Ryan International
“Webelieve that forthe overall development of a child’s personality and skill, ahealthy mind isrequired and a healthy mindcan only reside in a healthybody. It is our endeavour tobring students out of the fourwallsof theclassroomand theirrising inclination towardsmobile phones and build theelementofphysical fitness andteam spirit using sports activity as a tool and also providethem an opportunity to excel
in sport at various levels,”added Dr Pinto