RC Plasto goes 100% renewablefor tanks manufacturing unit

11 Sep 2024 12:10:11

RC Plasto
■ Business Reporter :
RC PLASTO Tanks & Pipes Pvt. Ltd.,a leading manufacturer of tanks, pipes and fittings, has take na significant step towards sustainability and environmental responsibility, by transitioning to100 percent renewable energy for its tanks manufacturing plant. Plasto is committed to provide best quality product at affordable price to customer through state-of-the-art manufacturingfacility,whichspans across52acreofland.The facility is equipped with cuttingedge technology and operates with a focus on eco-friendly practices. Additionally, Plasto have the world’s largest single location water tank manufacturing facility at Nagpur, having monthly production capacity of 20 crorelitres of water tanks.
As of July 2024, Plasto manufacturing facility in the Nagpur, is entirely powered by green energy generated from its two windmills located in Nandurbar, Maharashtra.Each windmill has the annual generationcapacityof 2.1MW and generated remarkable 73,07,988 units from its windmills during the short period of April 2024 to August 2024. This significant achievement demonstrates Plasto’s dedication toreducingitscarbon footprint and contributing to a greener future. By shifting to 100 per cent renewable energy,Plastoisnot only reducing its dependency on fossil fuels but also setting a benchmark for the other industries. Plasto’s proactive approach towards environmental sustainability is a testament to its dedication to quality, innovation, customer satisfaction andGreenNature. Plasto’sjourney towardssustainability is a shining example of how businesses can prioritize eco-friendly practices while maintaining high standards of quality and customer satisfaction. As the company continues to lead the industry, its commitment towards renewable energy and sustainable practices will undoubtedly inspire others to follow suit.
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