VED urges GoM to establishnano urea plant in Vidarbha

11 Sep 2024 12:06:50

Vidarbha Economic Development Council
■ Business Reporter :
THE Vidarbha Economic Development Council (VED) has formally requested the Government of Maharashtra (GoM) to facilitate the establishment of a nano urea manufacturing plant in Vidarbha. This crucial step aims to benefit local farmers by providing moreaccessibleandcost-effective fertilizer options. A delegation from VED Council, led by President Rina Sinha and Past President Shivkumar Rao, recently met with Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, to discuss the establishmentof theproposed plant. Nano urea, a breakthrough innovation in fertilizer technology, uses nanotechnology to deliver nitrogen to plants more efficiently.
This sustainable solution ensures better absorption and minimizes environmental impact compared to traditional urea. When applied as a foliar spray, liquid nano urea efficiently penetratesplantleaves, releasing nutrients in a controlled manner and reducing wastage. ShivkumarRao emphasized theimportanceof establishing a localNanoUreaPlus plant in Vidarbha. He highlighted that such a facility would not only increase the availability of this essential product but also reducecosts,significantlybenefiting the region's farmers. Rina Sinha expressed gratitude to Fadnavis for his support and expressed optimism about the positive impact this initiative could have on the Vidarbha region
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