Business Reporter :
SPINE surgeon Dr. Nikhil
Malewar has given new lease
of life to Rangrao
Bhagwat, 95 year old
gentleman from
Amravati who was
suffering fromsevere
low back pain going
down tohislegs.Due
to pain, he was not
able to walk and do
his routine activities.
The active gentleman was
bedridden due to severe pain.
Despite treatment with medications and injection his pain
was not getting relieved.
OncheckinghisMRI thedoctors told the patient and relatives that his spinal nerve is
severelypinchedatL4-5inlower back.
This problem ideally
needssurgery.However,due to
hisageeverybody told themnot
to undergo surgery as he could
bebedriddenaftersurgery ad also may be at
risk to life due to his
age. Finally they, consulted spine surgeon
Dr. Nikhil Malewar at
Nagpur.Dr.Nikhilperformed the surgery by
advanced minimally
invasive technique
whichpinched thenervewhich
was decompressed and bones
were fixed with screws and
rods. After surgery, Bhagwat’s
pain was completely relieved
and he was able to walk next
is fit and able to do all his
activities independently