■ Business Reporter :
THE new Local Management
Committee (LMC) of Indian
Concrete Institute, Nagpur
Centre had recently organised
its annual general meeting
(AGM) at Hotel Centre Point.
In the meeting, the members
of Indian Concrete Institute
(ICI),NagpurCentrehaveelectedrenownedstructuraldesigner Er. Pravin P Deshpande as
the new Chairman, Head of
KDKCEDr. SwapneelR Satone,
Chairman (Elect), Er. Bhagwat
P Patil, Secretary and Er.
Shailendra Karale, Treasurerfor the session 2024-2026.
The newly elected Local
ManagementCommitteeconsists of Er. Narendra Kaware,
Er.RavindraNagpure,Dr.RanjitPatil, Er. Vijay Jhanwar andShezad Doonga.
Dr.AM Pande, Ex Head,
YCCE worked as ReturningOfficer for this election.
Er. Partha Gangopadhaya,
National President of ICI andothers graced the investitureceremony with their presence,
informs a press release.