POLICE have arrested eight
men in connection with abduction and gangrape of two
orchestra dancers at gunpoint
in Uttar Pradesh’s Kushinagar
district. The accused perpetrators forced the victims into
their vehicles and took them
toa housewherethecrimewas
committed, police said.
The victims were abducted at
gun point from ahouse underthe
Ramkola police station jurisdiction on Monday night, according to police.
The perpetrators
arrived in two SUVs and, amid
continuous firing,took the girls
to the house of one of the accused
Ajit Singh in the Kaptanganjarea,
committed, said Kushinagar
Superintendent of PoliceSantosh Kumar Mishra. The accused,identified as Nagendra Yadav, Ashwan Singh, KrishTiwari,Arthak Singh,Ajit Singhand Dr Vivek Seth, were arrested on Monday night.Two other accused Nisar Ansari andAdityaSahni were arrested after anencounter onTuesday evening,
police said.According to police,
a cache of weapons, includingillegal firearms, ammunition,
and vehicles, were recoveredfrom the accused. The seizeditems included two SUVs, amotorcycle without numberplate, an illegal factory-made pistol, seven-shot guns, fourillegal pistols, ten spent cartridges, twelve live rounds,
eleven mobile phones, and aNepali SIM card.