Talk on ‘Balance of science and spirituality in teacher’s life’ held
   Date :16-Sep-2024

Shiv Vardan Bhawan
Staff Reporter :
Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya's Shiv Vardan Bhawan Katanga Colony Seva Kendra organised a discussion on balance of science and spirituality in teacher’s life on the occasion of Engineer's Day, on Sunday. Special guest on the occasion was DRM Jabalpur Vivek Sheel who said that due to the innovation of engineers, many types of means of comfort have become available in the world and the standard of living of people has become easier. If engineers adopt spiritual teachings in their work behaviour, then they can make their enterprise more beneficial for the people. Speaking on the occasion, Senior Rajyoga teacher Brahmakumari Vimala Didi said that science has developed the intellect of man but has reduced the innate divinity of intellect. If there is spiritual progress along with intellectual progress, then it will be icing on the cake.
The heart side of man is spirituality and the intellect side is science. Just like the body has no value without the soul, similarly the importance of science diminishes without spirituality. Today, a person has resources but no happiness. Happiness will come in life only when we maintain a balance between resources and spiritual practice in life. Any new invention is first born in imagination, then it takes a concrete form. Similarly, to make the world happy through the means of science, engineers need to incorporate spirituality in their lives. In the program, engineers associated with the organization from the departments of Electricity Department, Agriculture Department, Water Resources Department, etc., Prakash Srivastava, Sunil Shivhare, Vishwas Sen, Anoop Rai, Neha Jaiswal, Gautami Chhabda and others were also honoured. The program was convened by Brahma Kumar Vijay Tiwari.