Google, Nvidia to enhance enhance AI focus, investments estments in India
   Date :24-Sep-2024

Google Nvidia
TECHNOLOGY giants Google and Nvidia will enhance their engagementinIndiawithmore focus on leveraging Artificial Intelligence technology in the country, top officials of the companies said on Monday after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) major Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said the Prime Ministerhas alwaysbeenkeen on learning about Artificial Intelligence, its potential and opportunities for India. “I have enjoyed so many meetings with the Prime Minister. He’s such an incredible student, and every time I see him, he wants to learn about technology, Artificial Intelligence,the potential and opportunity for India, the impact on India, society and industry,” Huang said.
Huang’s Nvidia is estimated to have 88 per cent market share in the GPU segment which is in huge demand for AIworkloads across theworld. He said India is home to some of the world’s greatest computer scientists which is a great opportunity. “Artificial Intelligenceisalsoanewindustry, a new manufacturing industry. I’m looking forward to partnering with India in a very deep way to make that possible. We have many partnerships with India. For one, we’re helpingIndiagainaccess to our most advanced technologies,” Huang said. Nvidia has partnered with YottaDataServiceswhichplans to scale up its GPU stable to 32,768unitsbytheendof2025. HuangsaidIndiaisthehome of the third-largest startup economy and the work of all new generations of startups is based on AI. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the Prime Minister has beenfocused ontransforming India with his Digital India vision and pushed the company to make in India and designinIndia.“Hechallenged us to think about applications in healthcare, education, agriculture, and he’s also thinking about the infrastructure of India, be it data centres, power, energy and investing to makesureIndiacantransition.
We are robustly investing in AI in India, and we look forward to doing more,” Pichai said. HesaidthatthePMhasasked Google to do more in the field of AI and wants to make sure AI is there to benefit the people of India. “He has a clear vision, both intermsoftheopportunitythat AI will create, but he wants to makesureultimately,AIisthere to benefit the people of India and he has a clear vision, that it should all be in the service of people of India. He is challenging us to do more,” Pichai said. The meeting took place at the Lotte New York PalaceHotel on Sunday during thesecondleg ofModi’s three-dayUS visit. The Prime Minister participated in the roundtable withCEOs ofUS-basedfirmsworking on cutting-edge technologies suchasAI,quantumcomputing and semiconductors.
 Perfect alignment in PM Modi’s vision, what tech CEOs said: MIT academician
 Yoshita Singh  
Sept 23 (PTI)
THERE is a “perfect alignment” between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and global technology CEOs’ vision for India in areas like semiconductors, Artificial Intelligence and biotechnology, an eminent academician in the US has said. Modi interacted with globaltechnologyCEOsataroundtable here on Saturday. The roundtable was anchored by theMassachusettsInstituteof Technology (MIT), School of Engineering. Professor AnanthaChandrakasan,Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer at the Institute and Dean of the MIT School of Engineering, chaired the roundtable. “It is my deep honour to convene and hostthis roundtable with Prime Minister Modi and the CEOs of some of the most impactful tech companies in the United States and globally,” Chandrakasan told PTI in an exclusive interview here on Sunday after the tech roundtable. Google, Nvidia to enhance enhance AI focus, investments estments in India PM Modi an incredible student, seeks to democratise AI in India: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang PM Modi pushing us to make AI work for people: Google CEO Sundar Pichai P