Despite challenges, RSSvolunteers stationedin Manipur: Bhagwat
   Date :06-Sep-2024

Manipur Bhagwat
RASHTRIYA Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwaton Thursday said that the outfit’s volunteersarefirmlystationed inManipur,despitethe challenging situation intheconflict-stricken north-eastern State and the lack of any guarantee of safety. He was speaking at an event to mark the centenary year of Shankar Dinkar Kane (popularly known asBhaiyyaji), who worked in Manipur, focused on children’s education until 1971, brought students to Maharashtra and arranged for their stay. “The situation prevailing in Manipur is a difficult one.
There is no guarantee of safety. The locals are doubtful abouttheir security. For those who have gone therefor business or social work,thesituationisevenmore challenging. But even in such conditions, the volunteers of theSanghare firmlystationed, serving both factions and tryingtopacifythesituation,”said Bhagwat. Sangh volunteers have neither fled that State nor remained idle, and, instead, are working to normalise life, reduce anger and malicebetweenthetwo groups, and ensure a sense of national unity prevails, Bhagwat said.
“ NGOs cannot handle everything, but the Sangh is leaving no stone unturned in doing whatit can.They are engaging in dialogue with all the parties involved in the conflict. As a result, they have gained people’s trust. The reason behind thistrustisthatlocalshavewitnessed the work of people like Kane over the years,” he said