ERA OF SPACE START-UPS Pixxel, Digantara satellites launchedto monitor Earth, space objects
Pixxel: First private
Indian company to
have its own constellation of satellites that
allows observation of
the earth in over
150 bands
Digantara: World’s first
commercial satellite for
surveillance of objects
as small as 5 cm orbiting the earth to ensure
safer space operations.
TWO Indian space start-ups --
Pixxel and Digantara -- on
Wednesday announced the
launchof theirsatellitesonboard
a SpaceX rocket to closely monitor the Earth and objects orbiting around it, marking a new era
for the private firms in the space
sector. Pixxel became the first
privatecompanyinIndia tohave
itsownconstellationof satellites
using the cutting-edge hyperspectral frequency that allows
observation of the earth in over
150 bands,atechnology that is
useful in sectors as diverse as
agriculture and defence.
Digantara Aerospace
announced the launch of the
world’s firstcommercial satellite
- Space Camera for Object
Tracking (SCOT)-for surveillance of objects as small as 5 cm
orbiting the earth to ensure safer
space operations.
Surveillance of outer space or
situational space awareness
(SSA) is important to ensure the
safety of spacecraft as orbits
around the earthbecomecrowdedwith artificial satellites aswell
as space debris.
Pixxel’s three Fireflies, currently the world’s highest-resolutioncommercial-gradehyperspectral satellites, are six times
sharper than the 30-meter standard and are capable of capturing fine details previously invisible to conventional systems.
“For the first time a 5 meter
hyperspectral is available.
is what makes it unique, not just
in India, but globally,” Pixxel cofounder and CEO Awais Ahmed
told PTI.
Pixxel plans to launch three
more Firefly satellites over the
next two months and follow it
up with 18 more in future.
“This milestone by Pixxel,
marksa significant step forward,
as hyperspectral satellite imaginghas apotentialtoplaya transformative role for many use cases, especially the defence sector.
The advanced hyperspectral
imaging capabilities of these
satellites are poised to unlock
new possibilities,” Lieutenant
General A K Bhatt, Director
General, Indian Space
Association (ISpA), told PTI.