EVENasa verificationcampaign
to stop ineligible women from
availing thebenefitsoftheLadki
Bahin Yojana is yet to be completed,nearly4,000womenfrom
across Maharashtra have relinquished the scheme.
The women have also started
returning the benefit to the
respective district administration, Women and Child Welfare
Minister Aditi Tatkare said on
“Some women, who have
already got the monthly benefit
for June to December under
Ladki Bahin Yojana, have started returning the benefits. Some
applications were received last
month. The administration is
getting more applications this
are not eligible for this scheme,
some women are rejecting the
benefits of the scheme by filling
the applications. Therefore, this
proves that our beloved sisters
are also honest,” said Aditi
Her announcement
the Government approved the
disbursement of Rs 3,690 crore
to provide the monthly aid of Rs
1,500 to 2.46 crore beneficiaries
under the Ladki Bahin Yojana
before Republic Day.
“So far, 4,000 women beneficiaries have returned the financial aid they received under the
Ladki Bahin Yojana. However,
this figure is an estimate. About
100-150 applications were
being received in January. The
will be deposited back into the
Governmenttreasury. For this, a
separaterefundheadwillbecreated and that fund will be used
forpublicwelfare,” saidthe minister.
The Department sources
said that the women have been
coming forward seeking to discontinue thebenefit,fearing themoney will be recovered alongwith a penalty if found ineligible during the ongoing verification exercise.
The minister explained,
“Except for women beneficiaries holding yellow and orangeration cards, the applications of
Help from the Transport andIncomeTaxdepartmentsisbeingtaken. Therefore, this will be acontinuous process. As a result,
the number of women withdrawing their applications maychange continuously.”
The Mahayuti Government
launched the MukhyaMantri
Majhi LadkiBahinYojana in Julylast year. Nearly 2.46 crorewomen became eligible for themonthly aid of Rs 1,500.
During the implementation,
the Government realised thatsome ineligible women alsoreceivedthebenefit.Inthewakeof complaints received in various districts, the Government
subsequently launched the verification of the applications.