‘Why do we accelerate so much in our life’
   Date :16-Feb-2025

Why do we accelerate so much in our life
Staff Reporter :
Janaakrosh, a leading non-government organisation dedicated to road safety and traffic education, held its second biennial All India Coordinators Meeting at CSIR NEERI Auditorium on Saturday. This two-day conference brought together representatives from Janaakrosh’s 25 branches across the country, spanning nine states. Vijay Phanshikar, Editor of ‘The Hitavada’ was the chief guest, and PS Kumbhare, scientist of CSIR NEERI was the guest of honour. Prakash Khandekar, President of Janaakrosh, and Ravi Khaskedikar, Secretary, Janaakrosh also were prominently present.
The programme began with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the dignitaries. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual leader sent a video message on the topic of road safety awareness. He highlighted and asked a question, “Why are we in such a hurry ?” He later explained that hurrying too much on the road while drinking or doing any other activity is always very dangerous and we should always remain calm while driving. Another video message was sent by JB Mehta in which he emphasised on the fact that 44% of the accidents happen because the riders and the pillion riders don’t wear helmets. We could save lives if the riders start wearing helmets while driving their vehicles. Vijay Phanshikar congratulated the Janaakrosh team for the efforts they are taking to make road safety a highlighted issue in the society. Quoting Gary Kasporov’s book ‘Deep Thinking’, Phanshikar shared his famous quote “Where artificial intelligence stops, human creativity begins”. “Sun always comes up and sets at its own time.
We can’t accelerate the sun because we are in a hurry, then why do we have to accelerate so much in our life,” Phanshikar asked. Phanshikar praised the work of Janaakrosh and said he wishes that this movement spreads far and wide in this country. The guest of honour PS Kumbhare emphasised on the technological advancements in other countries that could be helpful in India going forward in the matters of road safety and traffic education.
He added how he and his team have conducted surveys in different parts of the city and found out that some zone that generate larger noise pollution have adverse effects on the residents there. Dyanesh Pahune; Sanjay Wazalwar, Treasurer; Sanjay Dabli, Joint Secretary; Dr Anil Laddhadh, IPP; Nimesh Sutaria, Mukul Kokje, Madhura Jugade and members of Nagpur@2025 were present during the programme. The programme was received very well by the audience, Milind Rahatgaonkar conducted the programme while the vote of thanks was proposed by Sandeep Agrawal.