In the dark While summer sets in, NMC lacks power to certify water quality at public kiosks

17 Mar 2025 12:41:55

water quality at public kiosks
Staff Reporter :
NMC exploring affixing mist cooling systems at its offices that witness large footfall 
Amidst the heatwave gripping the city even before start of April, and as Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) is training its guns on tackling any heat stroke cases, there are some loose ends regarding the availability of drinking water at public places during the summer. Given the recent outbreak Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), purportedly linked to contaminated water supply, there are no regulations to monitor quality of drinking water supply in the public places. As is the tradition, many social organisations, private individuals set-up water kiosk during the summer by road side. The aim is to provide relief to citizens and keep thirst at bay, especially during the day time. The intention of organisations is good, but as studies revealed that the GBS outbreak in Pune was linked to contaminated drinking water. In most of the areas where the GBS cases emerged, the outbreak was traced to private cool water suppliers. Also, the public water kiosks were found with outdated filters.
Hence when asked about any checks on such sources, NMC officials say they have no control over the private water suppliers, the one who sell chilled water cans. It’s utmost necessary to keep oneself hydrated while moving under the sun. This is the most important measure that can avoid heatstroke. So apart from chilled water, even serving of juices, like that of sugarcane and lemon juice by roadside, need proper monitoring, as to the usage of water by the roadside vendors. Dr Goverdhan Navkhare, Additional Medical Office, Infectious Disease Cell, NMC, said, technically, NMC is helpless in checking the public kiosks supplying water during summer. It’s just impossible as there is no regulation in place to govern their set up.
At most places where water kiosks are set up, one can see pathetic condition, water puddles with flies moving freely, and lack of cleanliness, but alas their is no monitoring of the same from civic body. Same pertains to centers that have sprung in nook and corner of city selling chilled water cans to citizens. At most, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) might have powers to check them on regular basis, ensuring that all rules relating to treatment of water as per permissible chemicals and ensuring they are free from contamination are followed, said those in know of the system. In the past, at several public places, water ATMs too were set-up through CSR funds. The NMC officials said they do not have any record of who owns and operates these water ATMs.
They do not come under the purview of the civic body. So, during the summer when meteorological officials are predicting constant rise in temperatures, the absence of any checks on water quality that would be served to citizens is a cause of concern. GBS is a rare neurological disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nervous system. And since the outbreak occurred just a month or two back, one assumed that authorities, before onset of harsh summer, would put in place necessary mechanism to certify public water systems. Dr Navkhare added that at most, NMC on its own checks the water cooler kept at public offices.
The samples from these coolers are taken and sent to public laboratory and based on outcome of tests, in case samples are found lacking or wanting, then recommendations are made to change the filters. While the coolers might be cleaned occasionally, its the filters that are crucial in keeping harmful micro organisms at bay and they are often neglected. At to private places, NMC can undertake checks if required by the organisations. About other plans, Dr Navkhare said NMC is exploring affixing mist cooling systems at its offices that have large footfalls. It is just a thought in case the temperature soars to unreasonable level as the thikning is that places where citizens comes in large number can find some comfort. This is just a plan and nothing concrete is decided as yet, he added.
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