Time stops for none
   Date :17-Mar-2025

Time stops  for  none
Time is the most valuable resource we have. It is something we can never get back once it’s gone. The famous saying, ‘ Time and tide wait for none’ is a constant reminder of this. The phrase is often linked to Geoffrey Chaucer, the 14th-century English poet, though its wisdom has been echoed through history. The hands of the clock keep moving just like the waves of the ocean.
No amount of wealth, regret, or power can bring back lost time. That’s why making every moment count is important.How often do we put things on hold, reschedule chores. A student delays studying until the night before examination, a writer waits for the ‘perfect moment’ to start writing. We often push goals to tomorrow, but tomorrow is never guaranteed. History is full of examples of people who succeeded because they valued time.
They made the most of the time they had. In today’s fast paced world, time management is not just a skill, it is a necessity. Whether you are a student, a professional, or chasing a personal dream, the choice is simple --take control of your time or you would simply watch it slip away from your hands.
By Yuthika Shevate
R SMundle Dharampeth College