THE RSS on Saturday expressed
serious concern about the
allegedly planned violence,
injustice and oppression faced
by the Hindu and other minority communities at the hands
of radical Islamist elements in
Bangladesh after the regime
change there.
On the second day of the
meeting of the Akhil Bharatiya
Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS), the
highest decision-making body
of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS), a resolution was
passed on Bangladesh.
The RSS said the persecution
of the Hindus is a serious case
of violation of human rights.
“The Akhil Bharatiya
Pratinidhi Sabha expresses its
serious concern on the unabated and planned violence, injustice and oppression faced by the
Hindu and other minority communities at the hands of radical Islamist elements in
Bangladesh,” the resolution
read. It further said that during
the recent regime change in
Bangladesh, several incidents
of attacks on Mutts, temples,
Durgapuja pandals and
educational institutions, desecration of deities, barbaric
killings, looting of properties,
abduction and molestation of
women and forcible conversions are being continuously
reported. “Denying the religious angle of these incidents
by claiming them to be only
political is the negation of
truth, as scores of victims of
suchincidentsbelong toHindu
and other minority communities only,” ABPS said.
The continuous decline of
Hindu population in
Bangladesh (From 22 per cent
in 1951 to 7.95 per cent today)
indicates the existential crisis
for them,” said the ABPS.
“There is a concerted effort
on the part of some international forces to foment instability in the entire region surroundingBharatbycreatingan
atmosphere of distrust and
confrontation by pitting one
country against another,” the
RSS noted. “The ABPS wishes
to underscore the fact that the
entire region has a shared culture, history and social bonds
at one place raises concern
throughout the region. The
ABPS feels that all vigilantpeople should make efforts
towards strengthening this
shared legacy of Bharat and
neighbouring countries,” the
resolution said.The ABPS said
a noteworthy fact during this
periodis thatHindu societyin
Bangladesh has courageously
resisted these atrocities in a
peaceful, collective, and democratic way. It is commendable that this resolve found
moral and psychological support from theHindu societyin
Bharat, it noted.
RSS ASKS PARTIES DISCUSSING IT: RSS joint general secretary Arun Kumar on
Saturday asked those discussing the delimitation
process have any political
agenda or they were genuinely concerned about it.
Kumar asked them to avoid
suchdiscussions as theCentre
has not initiated the process
yet.“Inmyopinion, thosewho
are taking part in the discussions on the delimitation
should introspect whether it’s
their political agenda or
whether they are genuinely
thinking about the interest of
their region,” Kumar said.