BMA urges Govt to fast track constructionof Rs 156 crore ESIC Hospital at Butibori
   Date :09-Mar-2025

BMA urges  
Business Reporter
THE ground breaking ceremony of the Rs 156 crore 200 bed stateof-the-art Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Hospital in Butibori was done in 2018, but has not been completed till date. In absence of the much needed ESIC Hospital in Butibori is causing a lot of inconvenience to more than 75,000 industrial workers in the industrial estate. “The much anticipated and needed ESIC Hospital at Butobori still remains a distant dream for the nearly 75,000 industrial workers of the industrial estate. Although, the construction work of the hospital has started it should be completed on a war footing without any further delays and become operational by December 2025,” said Kishore Malviya, President of Butibori Manufacturers
Association (BMA). He further said that the work wasallotted to Uttar Pradesh Nirman Nigam Ltd, they have sub-contracted the work to KPC Projects Ltd. Although the work on the Rs 156 crore project started in 2022 it immediately met with hurdles. Apart from this, disbursement of funds and changes in drawings and design stalled the project for nearly one year. In December 2023 funds were released and the hospital was to be completed by December 2024, but till date only 50% of the ground floor work is complete. A fresh dead line till target December 2025 has been issued by the ESIS Department and the structure and electrical work is slated to be complete by May 2025, he added. “BMA has taken up this issue on various platforms and meetings with the concerned officials. Recently, BMA took up the issue with the Principal Secretary of Industries during the Advantage Vidarbha event, recently.We have asked him to intervene and expedite the project at the earliest,” Malviya pointed out. Currently, ESIC has tied-up with Maya Hospital in Butibori so that the industrial workers can avail the medical services covered under ESIC scheme. But due to payment delays from the ESIC Department the hospital refuses the industrial workers on a regular basis. This causes great discomfort to the industrial workers and members covered under the ESIC insurance scheme.They have to travel to Nagpur’s ESIC Hospital to avail the medical benefits.“In the interest of the industrial workers and the industries in general this work must be completed in the stipulated time,” said a prominent industrialist on the condition of anonymity