

PRIME Minister Mr Narendra Modi could not conceal his sense of deep satisfaction and clear joy upon meeting the jubilant women Members of Parliament following the passage of legislation ensuring reservation for women in parliament and other elective forums in the country. He had all the time been one of the strongest votaries of such a legislation and worked hard to ensure that the entire membership of Parliament across the wide spectrum of ideologies came together to pass the Women’s Quota Bill so ..

They are alone, because...the ‘crowd’ is spectatorial!

SHE walked semi-clad, bleeding, seeking help,and people shooed her away or chose tolook away or getostrichedinto the sand dunes in their mobile phone handsets. Finally, some goods amaritan,who happened to be the priest of a temple, came to her help, gave her cloth and took her to a doctor. That good samaritan must be hailed,butwhatabout the ‘others’? Sadly, this is not the first time that an incident has led to such a question exploding into the minds and hearts of every sane person in the country. ..


PRIME Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s meetings with the world leaders and the declaration at G20 Summit that today’s era must notbeofwar,reflectsonething for sure -- India has a strong leadership rooted in Indian values but transcending the boundaries of nation in impact. One more thing that becomes clear is that India is amongvery fewcountriesnow that have a strong leadership. For, much of the p r e s e n t - d a y world is bogged down by crisis. As is known, the world is passing through a phase of ..